Congregational reflections

 To the saints at St. Paul’s, Monroe, NC

I said last Sunday that we would be scheduling Christmas this past week. It has been a busy week and it will end with a virtual diocesan convention. We did, however, map out the basic schedule of worship for Advent and Christmas.

Advent 1: Nov. 28Begin consecrated wine from individual cups
Advent 3: Dec. 128 am Eucharist
Advent 310 am Lessons & Carols
 (with communion from Reserved Sacrament)
Christmas Eve4:30 pm Music
Christmas Eve Eucharist5:00 pm

Beginning with Advent, you will also receive via email a series of “thought questions.” These are intended to allow the congregation to participate in our preparation for confirmation at the Bishop’s visit in January. You will receive self-reflective questions in 4 areas:

  • Where is God in your life?
  • Where is God already moving?
  • Where are the forces holding back God’s grace?
  • What truths do you embrace and desire to vow to God?
  • Where is God calling you to proclaim and perform your vows?

We can all look forward to a grace-filled – though it may be busy – end of the year.


To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower 
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand 
And Eternity in an hour (Blake)


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