Advent prompts for self-reflection
1. Day 1 – 10 INWARD Where is God in your life? Sun., Nov. 28 Think about the last 24 hours. What has given you joy? Name it, and give thanks. Mon., Nov. 29 Reflect on your experience of going to church. Where in the church or during worship do you feel God’s presence? Tue., Nov. 30 Who introduced you to Jesus? How did they introduce you to Jesus? Wed., Dec. 1 Think of your life. When did you feel close to God? When did you feel far away? What brought you home? Thu., Dec. 2 What is your favorite piece of scripture? Why do you love it? Fri., Dec. 3 Write a thank you post, note or email to someone who’s been influential in your faith life. Sat., Dec. 4 Read 1 Corinthians 12. What are your spiritual gifts? What part of the Body are you? Sun., Dec. 5 Is there someone in your life that shares your faith? Ask them a question today about their faith. Mon., Dec. 6 Is there a piece of music, art or film where you see or experience God? Have